Source: Sen’s Daily at

Babak Mobasher and his father-in-law Alaeddin Khanjani were arrested around 6 a.m. today when agents from the Ministry of Intelligence raided their home [which is apparently located in Tehran ~Sen]. Alaeddin Khanjani is the son of Jalaluldin Khanjani, one of the imprisoned “Yaran” (national facilitators for the Bahai community in Iran), while Babak Mobasher is the husband of Leva Khanjani, a Bahai excluded from tertiary education, who was freed from Evin prison after serving most of a two-year sentence on June 24, 2014.
The Alliance for the Rights of All Minorities in Iran adds that not only the home of Mr. Khanjani but also his office and warehouse was raided, and that four employees were arrested, one whom was later released because he was a Muslim. All the cash, gold personal jewelry, and other items in storage belonging to the business were confiscated. The group responsible for this action is said to be affiliated with those responsible for the arrest of the Yaran seven years ago.
HRANA gives the names of the four employees as Nasr Arushi Moqaddam, Ata’llah Ashrafi, Ruhollah Manzui and Javad Salehi.
August 12, 2014 10:09 pm
All agents and government employees of the IRI are thieves, liars, and in many cases murderers.