Appeal for tolerance at Parliament of the World's Religions


(BWNS) How can interfaith dialogue and religious freedom flourish when one religion declares that another is not a religion? Are tolerance and cooperation only possible among people who share the same doctrinal view of the world?

These questions were posed by a representative of the Australian Baha’i community at one of the sessions at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, which has come to an end after a week of speeches, panel discussions, devotional programs, and artistic presentations.

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4 Responses

  1. Abdul Aziz V.K.

    December 12, 2009 5:41 pm

    Dear Bahai Brother, May God bless all of us to live in His right path..

    It is quite obvious that Bahaism is not a divine origin religion. All other earthly religions have got history of a divine origine doctrine and hence the followers of all such religions are considered to be true believers, even all religious scriptures revealed before the Holy Qur’an had been corrupted by their own followers eventually.

    If you people are real God beleivers, kindly go ahead further in search of truth and try to believe in heavenly religion other than Bahaism, Khadianism like man made ones.

    Best of luck.
    Brotherly yours,
    Abdul Aziz V.K.

  2. Barmak Kusha

    December 12, 2009 6:37 pm

    1- Who are you to say what a divine religion is or is not? By what criteria? That’s the whole point of this article and that speech, and you apparently have missed it. The early Arabs said the same of Islam and the Qur’an. So, obviously, just saying something is not divine, doesn’t count.

    2- Besides that, who cares whether something is “divine” according to your criteria or not? The fact is people have beliefs, and should be free to believe, and live their faiths. The issue is not to determine what is or is not divine. The Qur’an and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights don’t say only respect and give right to live, liberty and peace to those who have “divine” faith.

  3. Suha

    December 13, 2009 10:17 am

    Dear brother Abdul-Aziz V.K.,
    Thank you for your prayer, comments and concern. Indeed, as you say may God guide all of humanity to His Straight Path. I am a little puzzled by your comment though!

    I agree that one should submit to and follow the Will of God and His teachings as brought to us by His Prophets and Messengers. I am not sure if you have any direct knowledge of the Revelation from God brought to us by Baha’u’llah or if you have had the opportunity of reading any of His writings and the Word of God that He has left for us. Also, I am not sure on what basis you say that “It is quite obvious that Bahaism is not a divine origin religion”. If it is based on “All other earthly religions have got history of a divine origine doctrine” then surely, this applies equally well to the Baha’i Faith, as its history of a divine origin is quite clear and well documented and its doctrine is set out clearly (please refer to I look forward to your clarification. Your brother,

  4. sb

    December 15, 2009 2:02 pm

    Dear Abdul Aziz, thank you for your brotherly concern! There are some striking similarities that Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha’i Faith share. When the Divine Prophets appeared by the Grace of God, the people in authority of that time denied God’s Messenger even while they claimed to seek Divine Wisdom.

    Also, each Great Book validates the Teachings of the Messenger who came before. The Baha’i Faith has reached millions who otherwise, would not know the truth of Muhammad (PBUH) and His Holy Book, the Quran. Being Baha’i taught me the truth of Islam. Baha’is share in the great awe of Allah that Muslims learn. To be a Baha’i, I must believe in Muhammad (PBUH). So let us offer ouragreement to live in peace under the One God, in humble submission as believers. Baha’is believe “religion” should never divide one man against another. Peace, my brother!


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