Dorsa Sobhani was prevented from meeting with her family.
Friday, 20 Farvardin, 1389, 6:29am [9 April 2010]
HARNA – On Thursday afternoon, 19 of Farvardin [8 April 2010], the authorities
in Evin Prison prevented the [Sobhani ] Family from meeting with their daughter
Dorsa Sobhani, a Baha’i student who has been denied [access to] education.
Dorsa, an activist in Women’s Rights, has met with her family only once
since her arrest.
According to a report of the Committee of Human Rights Reports, [Dorsa]
Sobhani, in a one-minute telephone call, said that her interrogation has ended.
Dorsa Sobhani, an activist in the One Million Signatures campaign, was arrested at her
father’s home in Sari on the 16th of Esfand 1388 [7 March 2010], and taken to Evin
Translation by Iran Press Watch,
Source: HRA in Persian
May 2, 2010 10:40 am
great post as usual!