[ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency)]
The lawyer for the 15 Baha’is said that the trial of her clients charged with propaganda against the regime will take place in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Giti Pourfazel announced this news and said that the 15 Baha’is had been arrested in Shiraz in 2010 and charged with propaganda against the regime because they were teaching their religion, and that they had later been released on bail. The lawyer continued: April 28th is designated for the presentation of their case at the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz; I hope with the defense that I have prepared my clients will be acquitted of the charge .
April 9, 2014 4:14 pm
Long live the Angels of Shiraz. You are following in the footsteps of the beloved Dawn breakers.
We salute you and pray for you.