Posts By editor

Call for Prayers for Vahdat Dana


As reported previously on this site (, on Saturday, April 25, 2009, Mr. Vahdat Dana has been arrested.  Iran Press Watch has learned through sources close to the situation that Mr. Dana is suffering from…

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A Letter from Haleh Houshmandi


Editor’s Note:  During the last two months, Iran Press Watch has reported extensively on the ordeals faced by Mrs. Haleh Houshmandi, but was very happy to celebrate her release two days ago.  Iran Press Watch…

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Iranian Identity and the Future of Iran


ACI stands for Association des Chercheurs Iraniens, or in Persian, Anjuman-i Pazhuhishgaran-I Iran [Association of Iranian Researchers].  This organization has recently conducted an interesting poll on the Internet. ACI invited Iranians to fill in a…

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Iran: A Faith on Trial

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By Bernd Kaussler The Baha’is in Iran, the country’s largest religious minority, have faced intense persecution and discrimination ever since the Islamic Revolution of 1979.  The arrest of seven Baha’i leaders in 2008 and their…

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A Disturbing Month


Iran’s New Year commenced on March 21, and it is off to a disturbing start for the Baha’is of that land.  During this month, considerable hardships, harassment and violations of human and civil rights were…

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Current Baha’i Prisoners in Iran


Periodically, Iran Press Watch publishes a list of Baha’i prisoners in Iran who remain incarcerated because of their religious belief.  At the present time, there are 49 Baha’i prisoners throughout Iran.  The Date of incarceration…

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