Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch HRANA News Agency: In continuing efforts to put pressure on the Baha’i community by preventing them from carrying out economic activities, three Baha’is have been fired from their jobs…
Denial of Employment
Religion Question on Job Application Forms Is Key to Social Exclusion of Baha’is
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch The religion question on job application forms in Iran has become a major crisis for those citizens of the country whose religion is not recognized by the government. According…
He Couldn’t Get Higher Education in Iran — Now He’s Running an Ed Tech Startup
Source: By by Sara Ashley O’Brien @saraashleyo In Baha’i faith, education is of utmost importance. So it makes sense that Shakib Zabihian, a Baha’i programmer who fled religious persecution in Iran in 2013, is behind an…
Baha’is Banned from the Optometry Sector in Tehran
Source: Sen’s daily The Association of Optometry Manufacturers and Sellers in Tehran held its eighth trade fair, the Optics Exhibition, in Vesal Avenue on December 16 to 19. Eighty businesses took part. Not only were…