By Christopher Buck A special conference on “Islam and Minorities” was held at the University of Victoria in British Columbia on May 2-3, 2003. Presenting papers at this conference were internationally-renowned Islamicists, among whom was…
Why Islamists Persecute the Baha'is
By Amil Imani [On Friday, 6 June 2008, Amil Imani, an Iranian intellectual who has written on discrimination against the Baha’is of Iran in the past, posted the following essay on his site: Since…
Redeem a Shameful History by Defending our Baha’i Countrymen!
by Behrouz Setoodeh [Setoodeh is a former prominent political activist and often writes informed political essays for Iranglobal website. This article was posted at and extracts from it are translated below. Mr. Setoodeh is…
Nabil’s Narrative: What History has Forgotten
By Dr. Soheila Vahdati [Dr. Vahdati is an Iranian-American human rights activist and freelance writer who has published extensively on the effects of the death penalty, women’s rights and gender issues in Iranian journals. Some…