Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Javad Abbasi Tavaloli, “Our Rights” Magazine: “The regime’s attitude towards them (Baha’is) must be such that the path of their progress and growth is blocked…” The above phrase,…

Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Javad Abbasi Tavaloli, “Our Rights” Magazine: “The regime’s attitude towards them (Baha’is) must be such that the path of their progress and growth is blocked…” The above phrase,…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Afaq Rabieizadeh (Our Rights Magazine): What can be understood from the international definitions of the concept of “genocide” is that genocide means the conscious and deliberate extermination of…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch Mohammad Moghimi; “Our Rights” Magazine: Genocide is one of the international crimes. According to international laws, four international crimes have been criminalized so far. In addition to genocide,…