[ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency)] The lawyer for the 15 Baha’is said that the trial of her clients charged with propaganda against the regime will take place in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Giti Pourfazel announced…

[ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency)] The lawyer for the 15 Baha’is said that the trial of her clients charged with propaganda against the regime will take place in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Giti Pourfazel announced…
HRANA News Agency – While more than two months have passed since the CEO and five employees of Achilandoor Company were detained by IRGC [Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps] intelligence officers, in the last few days, all Baha’i employees and workers of this company in the cities of Tehran and Mashhad have been fired following an order issued by the Intelligence Office of IRGC.