Dr. Aaron Vahid Sealy, in his Ph.D. thesis, includes the case of the Baha’is in Iran. With close to 400 references to the Baha’i Faith and the Baha’is in Iran, Dr. Sealy covers many cultural,…

The Baha’i Community, Human Rights, and the Construction of a New Iranian Identity A Lecture by Dr. Akhavan in Chicago
[Editor: Dr. Payam Akhavan is a Founder and Board Member of Iran Human Rights Documentation Centre: Payam Akhavan, LL.B., LL.M, S.J.D. (Professor, McGill University Faculty of Law): Payam Akhavan is Professor of International Law at McGill…
"Respecting Legitimate Freedoms and Protecting Citizens' Rights: Excerpt from the Iranian legal framework
Respecting Legitimate Freedoms and Protecting Citizens’ Rights: Excerpt from the Iranian legal framework. [Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch has recently published a number of articles by qualified authors in an effort to make the Iranian…
The Trial of the Yaran under Iranian Criminal Procedure: “The Justice of God” or Procedural Injustice?
THE TRIAL OF THE YARAN UNDER IRANIAN CRIMINAL PROCEDURE: “THE JUSTICE OF GOD” OR PROCEDURAL INJUSTICE? by Christopher Buck, Ph.D., J.D. [Editor: Iran Press Watch welcomes back Dr. Christopher Buck, a distinguished legal scholar. While most writers…

Justice, not Shame!
Editor’s Note: Dr. Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet, writer, and human rights and political activist. In April of this year, he wrote a brilliant essay, which Iran Press Watch was pleased to share extracts…
Iran’s Islamic Theocracy and the Problem of Khashiyat (Fear of God): A Baha'i Perspective
Editor’s Note: Aram Anahid is the penname of a learned Baha’i intellectual in Iran, who has previously contributed to Iran Press Watch and other sites (e.g. Iranian.com). Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish this…
32 Questions
Iran Press Watch has recently received the attached document which lists 32 questions that the celebrated Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali Isfahani, a prominent Baha’i during the time of Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha, had composed. These questions were intended…
Apostasy and Baha'is as Apostates in Islam
Editor’s Note: This is a translation of an editorial titled “What is apostasy, and are Baha’is apostates?” written by Mohammed Shebl, printed in an Egyptian newspaper “Al Qahirah” (Cairo) on May 5, 2009. The treatment…
Discovering the Qur’an
Editor’s Note: In its ongoing efforts to provide a forum for Islamic-Baha’i dialogue, Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the text of “Discovering” [the Qur’an] – The Blackwell Companion to the Qur’an along with…
Recalling Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom
Editor’s Note: During this period, the Shi’ah world community is commemorating the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn, who was the third Imam of Shi’ah Islam, the second son of ‘Ali and Fatimih, the daughter of…

Which Religion Has Authorized the Suppression of Ideas?
At the invitation of the Committee to Pursue Arbitrary Arrests and concurrent with Eid-e Fetr [end of Ramadan celebration] a group of human rights activists and families of political and ideological prisoners gathered at the…
Islam and Minorities: The Case of the Baha’is
By Christopher Buck A special conference on “Islam and Minorities” was held at the University of Victoria in British Columbia on May 2-3, 2003. Presenting papers at this conference were internationally-renowned Islamicists, among whom was…
Freedom of Belief and the Rights of Religious Minorities: A Talk by Professor Hashem Aghajari
Translated by Ahang Rabbani At the invitation of the Committee for Investigation of Willful Arrests, a group of human rights activists and families of political prisoners and prisoners of conscience gathered on Wednesday afternoon [1…

There is no Provision for Apostasy in Law: Comments by Professor Hashem Aghajari
Translated by Ahang Rabbani In many Islamic countries last Tuesday, and in Iran on Wednesday, observances were held in celebration of the ‘Id-e Fitr, which marks the conclusion of the sacred fasting month of Ramadan.…