By: Birch Bricker This post is in response to the former post I did on “Discrimination of minorities in Iran” [see]. I wrote to Boxer, Fienstien, & Biden & I’ve been holding on to…
Public Support
Open Letter by Prominent Figures
Prominent figures from the worlds of education, law, human rights, religion and journalism have today published an open letter expressing grave concern at the Iranian government’s denial of access to education to members of the…
Proclamation by Karaj Prisoners in Support of their Baha’i Countrymen
Subsequent to the arrest of the 54 Baha’i youth in Shiraz who were conducting humanitarian activities, but were arrested on the false charge of “activities against the State”, on 28 May 2006, the political prisoners…
Muslim Students Protest Baha’i Expelled from Iranian University
(From One of the weapons the Iranian government has employed to suppress its Baha’i population is denying its youth their right to an education, in what can only be described as an intellectual cleansing.…
Brazilian Congressman on Baha'is in Iran
The following is a speech provided by Congressman Geraldo Resende at the October 16th, 2008 Session of Congress in Brazil. Translated by Sam Cyrous. BAHÁ’ÍS: MORE THAN A RELIGIOUS QUESTION — A QUESTION OF HUMAN…

UK Foreign Policy Centre challenges Iran on Human Rights
(BWNS) LONDON — The Foreign Policy Centre, a leading foreign affairs think tank in Britain, has published a new report on Iran titled “A Revolution Without Rights: Women, Kurds and Baha’is Searching for Equality in…
U.N. concerned on Iran Human Rights
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday expressed concerns about possible human rights abuses in Iran and urged the country to do more to combat discrimination against women and minorities. While praising…
Montazeri’s Admirable Defense of our Baha’i countrymen
By Behrouz Setoodeh [The following is a translation of an essay by Behrouz Setoodeh, published at: Mr. Setoodeh is a prominent political and human rights activist, and articles by him have previously appeared on…
The Cologne Proclamation
[On Monday, 22 September 2008, DW-World.DE, which is the online service of the prestigious Deutsche Welle network, reported the following news. This report is available at,2144,3663349,00.html and was filed by K. Ghahari. Ahang Rabbani,…
I am a Baha'i too!
by Khosro Shemiranie [Shemiranie was born in Iran, studied in Germany and lives in Canada. He is a freelance writer specializing in analytical articles on the socio-political issues of Iran and violations of human rights.…
If I were a Shiite
by Reza Fani [Reza Fani-Yazdi is an Iranian-American human rights activist and freelance writer who has published extensively on the plight of Iranians under the current regime. On 8 August 2008, he published the following…
We are all Iranian Baha'is
By Ali Keshtgar [On Friday, 15 August 2008, the online journal Gooya News published the following analysis by the non-Baha’i Iranian journalist, Ali Keshtgar. The original Persian text may be accessed at: Ahang Rabbani,…