The Confessions of Dolgoruki was a 1930s political-spy fiction that was taken as history. It was the purported memoirs or political confessions of Dimitriy Ivanovich Dolgorukov (d. 1867), the Russian minister in Iran from 1845…
Rebuttal of Polemics
Anti-Bahaism in Iran
by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh In Iran, state-sponsored hate propaganda and conspiracy theories against the Bahai are never-ending. Now, “crypto-Jews” – also called “Anusim” – are said to have been responsible for the spread of the Babi…

“Debunking the Myths” – Interview with the Author
(MEY) Conspiracy theories are popular in this region [Middle East] for a good reason: they allow us to perceive ourselves as powerless victims and blame our shortcomings and insecurities on others. For decades, Baha’is have…
Debunking the Myths: Conspiracy Theories
Vladimir Lenin once said that a lie told often enough becomes truth. If one takes a look at the way Bahá’ís have been viewed and treated by their adversaries, particularly Muslim clerics from Shaykh Fazlollah…

From Kerman to the Attorney General of Iran
Editor’s Note: On March 9, 2009, the coordinating group of the Baha’is in Kerman wrote the following letter to Ayatollah Dorri Najafabadi,the Attorney General of Iran, as its final act before dissolving itself on the…
'Ashura Ceremonies and the Baha’is
By Akhtar Arjmandi Translated by Omid Ghaemmaghami [Translator’s Note: Akhtar Arjmandi maintains a blog dedicated to the defense of Iran’s Baha’i Community where she refutes attacks made against Baha’is in the Iranian press and in…
Attack on the Baha’i Faith at a Conference on the History of Iran and the British Empire
The report below is in two parts: (1) extracts from remarks at a recent conference in Tehran provided in translation, and (2) a response from the perspective of the present writer against the accusations stated…