[ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency)] The lawyer for the 15 Baha’is said that the trial of her clients charged with propaganda against the regime will take place in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Giti Pourfazel announced…

[ILNA (Iranian Labour News Agency)] The lawyer for the 15 Baha’is said that the trial of her clients charged with propaganda against the regime will take place in the Revolutionary Court in Shiraz. Giti Pourfazel announced…
(RAHANA, 1 March 2011) Baha’i resident of Tehran Payam Aghsani has been sentenced to a $400 fine and 3 years in prison.
(RAHANA 11-Feb-2011) Baha’i citizen and children’s rights activist Afshin Heyratian has been sentenced to 4 years in prison.