Credo quia absurdum est. “I believe, because it is absurd.” — Tertullian’s (misquoted) Paradox by Christopher Buck [Editor’s Note:Iran Press Watch is pleased to offer a guest article by Dr. Christopher Buck, a distinguished legal scholar,…
Tagged By adib masumian

“Debunking the Myths” – Interview with the Author
(MEY) Conspiracy theories are popular in this region [Middle East] for a good reason: they allow us to perceive ourselves as powerless victims and blame our shortcomings and insecurities on others. For decades, Baha’is have…
Debunking the Myths: Conspiracy Theories
Vladimir Lenin once said that a lie told often enough becomes truth. If one takes a look at the way Bahá’ís have been viewed and treated by their adversaries, particularly Muslim clerics from Shaykh Fazlollah…