(CBNS) A Canadian-led resolution condemning Iran for its human rights record is being put forward this week at the United Nations. Strong resolutions passed last week in the European Union (EU) Parliament and in the…
Tagged By canada

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister expresses concern over Yaran Detention
The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement marking the anniversary of the arrest and detention last year of six Bahá’í leaders in Iran, who, with another arrested two months…
Canada's House of Commons Passes Resolution on Baha'is
Ottawa, Ontario, 31 March 2009 (CBNS) — After a 90 minute debate, Monday evening 30 March 2009, Canada’s House of Commons adopted a strongly worded motion condemning the persecution of Baha’is in Iran and calling…
Concern raised at UN Human Rights Council
The United States told the United Nations on March 12, 2009, that “some Muslim countries were using the concept of religious defamation to justify curbs on freedom of speech and civil dissent.” During Thursday’s debate,…
Parliamentary Committee Demands Release of Imprisoned Baha’is
The Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights has adopted a strongly worded motion demanding the immediate release of the seven Baha’i leaders held now for more than nine months without formal charges and no access…
Swift International Reaction to Pending Trial
NEW YORK, 15 February (BWNS) – International reaction to news that Iran may soon put on trial seven Baha’i leaders for espionage and other charges came swiftly last week as governments, parliamentary leaders and human…