Amid a violent crackdown on protestors and a purge of opponents within the Iranian government, more than 30 Christians were arrested in the last two weeks near Tehran and in the northern city of Rasht. …

Amid a violent crackdown on protestors and a purge of opponents within the Iranian government, more than 30 Christians were arrested in the last two weeks near Tehran and in the northern city of Rasht. …
The regime in Tehran is sending out mixed signals as to whether Iran’s Criminal Code will now impose the death penalty on Muslims who forsake Islam to convert to Christianity. A final decision on the…
by Dr. Wahied Wahdat-Hagh The systematic persecution of Bahais in Iran intensified in the month of April. Again and again individual Bahais are being arbitrarily arrested. They are sometimes released against a substantial amount of…
Editor’s Note: The Baha’i case is an outstanding example of the moral and intellectual corruption of the Iranian Islamic government. Readers should, however, be made aware that other groups such as women, Kurds, and Christians…
By Monireh Baradaran Have you read this news? “Last night, at midnight, a number of plain-clothes officers attacked the Baha’i Cemetery in Qa’emshahr with a lorry and a bulldozer; and set out to remove the…
[The following essay by Jahanshah Rashidian appeared on Monday, 10 November 2008, at and is shared below for your information. Ahang Rabbani.] The Islamic Republic of Iran places the Shiite sect of Islam at…