Editor’s Note: Following are notes from a talk by Prof. Michael Karlberg given at the Eastside Baha’i Center in Bellevue, Washington, on 27 June 2009, as part of a public program organized in support of…

Editor’s Note: Following are notes from a talk by Prof. Michael Karlberg given at the Eastside Baha’i Center in Bellevue, Washington, on 27 June 2009, as part of a public program organized in support of…
From the early days of the Baha’i Faith, the rigid-minded ecclesiastical order in Iran has attacked the community about the evolutionary character of the Bab’s claims. [The Bab was founder of Babi Faith and a central…
The persecution suffered by the Baha’i community of Iran since the Islamic Revolution in 1979 has been well documented. The attack on Baha’i communal life has included destruction of their holy places, confiscation and often…
Editor’s Note: Omid Djalili is an award-winning British-Iranian actor/comedian. Not only acclaimed as one of Britain’s funniest stand up comedians, he has also featured in films including ‘The Mummy’, ‘Gladiator’, and ‘Casanova’. Omid is also…
By Naeim Tavakkoli Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following profile of Behrouz Tavakkoli outlined by his son, Naeim. Mr. Tavakkoli is one of the seven members of the national body…
By Maryam Kashani (Reporter for Rooz online) Following the closure of the offices of the Center for the Defense of Human Rights in Tehran by government agents, Rooz spoke with Narges Mohammadi, the spokesperson for…
[Professor Saeed Hanaee Kashani teaches English literature at Shaheed Beheshti University.] Last Monday, I was teaching a class at 8 o’clock in the morning. My students and I were reading aloud a text in English.…