by Dr. Nader Saiedi Recently Gooya News published an article by Naser Mostashar. The article quotes three lines of the letter written by the International Baha’i Community that was addressed to the Iranian attorney general,…
Tagged By iranian revolution
Institute commends apology of Iranian intellectuals to Baha’is
Washington, DC, Feb. 5, 2009—The Institute on Religion and Public Policy heartily commends the open letter signed by over 40 Iranian intellectuals apologizing to Bahai’s for remaining silent over their country’s ill-treatment of the community.…

Baha'i International Community deplores destruction of Khavaran cemetery
GENEVA, 30 January (BWNS) – The destruction earlier this month of a cemetery in Iran used for the mass burial of hundreds killed in the aftermath of the Islamic revolution in 1979 is an outrageous…