Approximately 89% of Iranians are Shia Muslims.[13] The rest, including Baha’i, Christian, Zoroastrian, Sunni Muslim, and Jewish communities, constitute around 11%. Despite their popularity in the country, the total membership of Sufi groups in the…
Tagged By Islam

Christians in Iran: Threatening Situation
The regime in Tehran is sending out mixed signals as to whether Iran’s Criminal Code will now impose the death penalty on Muslims who forsake Islam to convert to Christianity. A final decision on the…

Justice, not Shame!
Editor’s Note: Dr. Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet, writer, and human rights and political activist. In April of this year, he wrote a brilliant essay, which Iran Press Watch was pleased to share extracts…
Iran’s Islamic Theocracy and the Problem of Khashiyat (Fear of God): A Baha'i Perspective
Editor’s Note: Aram Anahid is the penname of a learned Baha’i intellectual in Iran, who has previously contributed to Iran Press Watch and other sites (e.g. Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish this…
32 Questions
Iran Press Watch has recently received the attached document which lists 32 questions that the celebrated Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali Isfahani, a prominent Baha’i during the time of Baha’u’llah and Abdu’l-Baha, had composed. These questions were intended…
Religious Freedom in Iran Worsened
Editor’s Note: The following report was posted on WashingtonTV on May 1, 2009, at Religious freedom conditions in Iran have “worsened” during the past year, Dr. Richard Land, a commissioner with the United States…

Iranian Identity and the Future of Iran
ACI stands for Association des Chercheurs Iraniens, or in Persian, Anjuman-i Pazhuhishgaran-I Iran [Association of Iranian Researchers]. This organization has recently conducted an interesting poll on the Internet. ACI invited Iranians to fill in a…
The Claims of the Bab
From the early days of the Baha’i Faith, the rigid-minded ecclesiastical order in Iran has attacked the community about the evolutionary character of the Bab’s claims. [The Bab was founder of Babi Faith and a central…
The Verdict of the Imam Jum‘ih of Semnan
Editor’s Note: In light of increased attacks on the Baha’i community in Iran and further systematization of these hostilities, the following story from is one of many examples of exhortations by Iranian Shi’ite clergy…
Violations of the Rights of our Baha’i Countrymen
By Hamid Hamidi Editor’s Note: The following is the text of a talk given by Mr. Hamid Hamidi and Iran Press Watch welcomes comments and reactions to this seminal piece. Mr. Hamidi is a much-respected…
United Republicans of Iran – Violation of the rights of the Baha’i citizens is shameful
Call for an immediate release of the leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran Nearly 9 months after the arrest of the 7 leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran and following the “guilty verdict”…

Baha'i International Community deplores destruction of Khavaran cemetery
GENEVA, 30 January (BWNS) – The destruction earlier this month of a cemetery in Iran used for the mass burial of hundreds killed in the aftermath of the Islamic revolution in 1979 is an outrageous…
The Annual Report of Human Rights Activists in Iran: The Worrisome Condition of the Iranian Baha’i Community in 2008
Monday, 19 January 2009 Editor’s Note: Given the increasingly difficult situation of Baha’is in Iran, and an increase in the number of arrests, searches and destruction of Baha’i cemeteries, and also the fact that Baha’i…
Recalling Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom
Editor’s Note: During this period, the Shi’ah world community is commemorating the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn, who was the third Imam of Shi’ah Islam, the second son of ‘Ali and Fatimih, the daughter of…
Baha’u’llah’s Prayer for Muslims
By Omid Ghaemmaghami Editor’s Note: The Baha’i Faith holds Islam, and indeed all divine religions, in the highest esteem and considers them all to be “the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal…

Baha’is Under Widespread Attack in Semnan
“I have been ordered to do so. Please believe me.” “Please pardon what I’m doing.” These are what agents of the Ministry of Intelligence sometimes say when they attack Baha’i homes – this time, a…