Are we our brother’s and sister’s keepers? Last week I joined a group of distinguished community leaders in a resounding affirmative response to this timeless question. We gathered together at the University of Southern California…
Tagged By israel

Khatami asked about treatment of Iranian Baha'is on Australia visit
Editor’s Note: Former Iranian President Mohammad Khatami recently spoke at the Australian National University in Canberra. As he turned to the audience for questions, he was asked about Iran’s treatment of the Baha’is. The Sydney…
The Only Crime of the Leaders of the Baha’i Community in Iran is that “They Are Baha’is!”
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following essay (translated from Persian), and welcomes discussions and follow-up analysis by interested readers. Over nine months have passed since the unexplainable, unreasonable and inhumane…
Trial of Iranian Baha’i leadership: An Open Letter to Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi
Your Excellency, Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi, Iran’s Prosecutor-General, Acting on deep concern for the lives of the seven Iranian Baha’i leaders whose lives are in imminent danger, we write you in advance of their imminent trial in…
Baha'is, the Sole Targets of Conspiracism?
By Aram Anahid Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share this translation of a brilliant article published at, under the title, “When Hate Triumphs over Justice, All are Victims”. In early February…
United Republicans of Iran – Violation of the rights of the Baha’i citizens is shameful
Call for an immediate release of the leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran Nearly 9 months after the arrest of the 7 leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran and following the “guilty verdict”…
Seven friends face revolutionary court
By Nazila Ghanea at (UK) Baha’is’ rights have often been violated in Iran; now, as pressure mounts on the government, activists’ lives are being threatened Fariba is a 46-year-old psychologist and a mother of…
Feature: Trial of Seven Baha'i Leaders
Iran has announced the trial of seven Baha’i individuals, who acted as the Iranian Baha’i Community’s coordinating body since the execution of the last formal administrative body more than 30 years ago. The charges brought…
“They don’t want to leave a trace of anything Baha’i”
Some fear the oppression of a little-known religious minority in Iran is intensifying Naeim Tavakkoli last saw his father Behrouz three years ago in Tehran’s infamous Evin prison. Behrouz, a leader in among the 300,000…
Iran: Using terror internally and abroad
Editor’s note: The following article was written by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information. A german translation can be found at On 14 January Iranian secret…
Regime Disregards People's Rights
Fall Report by the Center for Defenders of Human Rights – 2009.01.14 Arash Motamed Editor’s Note: The following article appeared at Rooz online and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information.…
Unfounded Accusations Against the Baha’is!
Editor’s Note: The following essay was contributed by one of the readers of Iran Press Watch and is published as an original piece. Iran Press Watch greatly welcomes such contributions by our informed readers on…