Editor’s note: The story of these seven Baha’is has been in the news ever since their arrest in May 2008 and closely followed by many Baha’is and humanitarian organizations around the world. The last scheduled…

Editor’s note: The story of these seven Baha’is has been in the news ever since their arrest in May 2008 and closely followed by many Baha’is and humanitarian organizations around the world. The last scheduled…
By Hamid Hamidi Editor’s Note: The following is the text of a talk given by Mr. Hamid Hamidi and Iran Press Watch welcomes comments and reactions to this seminal piece. Mr. Hamidi is a much-respected…
By Shahrzad Arshadi Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to publish the following learned essay by one of its readers, Shahrzad Arshadi. This eloquent and informative essay was first disseminated on 11 February 2009…
Editor’s Note: The Iranian government is currently debating the adoption of a proposed penal code that would mandate the death penalty for apostates. This will have severe consequences not only for Baha’i prisoners, but also…
By Taqi Rahmani Zhinous Sobhani has been arrested. Those who believe in their own humanity don’t oppress the weak. But in the calculus of power there is no such consideration. To oppress the weak, to…
Editor’s note: The following article was written by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information. A german translation can be found at http://europeandemocracy.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13322&catid=4&Itemid=22 On 14 January Iranian secret…
As part of the Iranian regime’s confrontation with human rights activists and advocates, the recent harsh attacks on Nobel Peace laurette Shirin Ebadi have made it pay dearly. Silence on the part of many…
(From MidEastYouth.org) One of the weapons the Iranian government has employed to suppress its Baha’i population is denying its youth their right to an education, in what can only be described as an intellectual cleansing.…