Urge Iran to release the seven Bahai leaders unjustly imprisoned since 2008 serving a twenty-year sentence by signing this petition.

Urge Iran to release the seven Bahai leaders unjustly imprisoned since 2008 serving a twenty-year sentence by signing this petition.
News Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), which often echoes the archconservative sentiments of Iran’s Islamic regime, reported on Friday, 19 September 2008, (http://www.isna.ir/ISNA/NewsView.aspx?ID=News-1201091&Lang=P) that a petition was signed earlier in the day at the Friday…
[Updated: Pictures at the bottom of post] On Wednesday, 17 September 2008, an ominous development was announced by Shahbnews.com (http://www.shahabnews.com/vdcc.1qma2bqxsla82.html), which impacts the entire Baha’i community of Iran. The report stated that this Friday, 19…