International War Crimes vis-a-vis Internal Peace Crimes By Dr. Christopher Buck Editor’s Note: The following essay is an invited editorial and Iran Press Watch is deeply grateful to Dr. Buck for this remarkably brilliant piece.…

International War Crimes vis-a-vis Internal Peace Crimes By Dr. Christopher Buck Editor’s Note: The following essay is an invited editorial and Iran Press Watch is deeply grateful to Dr. Buck for this remarkably brilliant piece.…
By Hamid Hamidi Editor’s Note: The following is the text of a talk given by Mr. Hamid Hamidi and Iran Press Watch welcomes comments and reactions to this seminal piece. Mr. Hamidi is a much-respected…
As part of the Iranian regime’s confrontation with human rights activists and advocates, the recent harsh attacks on Nobel Peace laurette Shirin Ebadi have made it pay dearly. Silence on the part of many…