(BWNS) How can interfaith dialogue and religious freedom flourish when one religion declares that another is not a religion? Are tolerance and cooperation only possible among people who share the same doctrinal view of the…

(BWNS) How can interfaith dialogue and religious freedom flourish when one religion declares that another is not a religion? Are tolerance and cooperation only possible among people who share the same doctrinal view of the…
Are we our brother’s and sister’s keepers? Last week I joined a group of distinguished community leaders in a resounding affirmative response to this timeless question. We gathered together at the University of Southern California…
An election procession in support of several Iranian presidential candidates chanted in support of various religious minorities, including the Baha’is. At this time of intensifying persecution of the Baha’i community throughout Iran, such public expressions…
The continuing persecution of Bahá’ís and other minorities in Iran has been highlighted in Amnesty International’s State of the World’s Human Rights 2009 report. The report, launched in London by Amnesty International’s Secretary General Irene…
The Honourable Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Foreign Affairs, today made the following statement marking the anniversary of the arrest and detention last year of six Bahá’í leaders in Iran, who, with another arrested two months…
(BNUK) The United Kingdom government has reiterated its concern for seven Bahá’í leaders imprisoned in Iran on the first anniversary of their detention. Foreign Office Minister of State Bill Rammell MP renewed calls on behalf…
Iran Press Watch has learned that an article was published earlier this week stating that the Spanish House of Representatives has asked the Spanish government to call for the release of the seven (7) Baha’i…
Editor’s Note: While Iranian Baha’is are denied access to higher education, their fellow Baha’i students outside Iran aim to raise awareness and organize support through local university campaigns. This report was published recently about the…
Ottawa, Ontario, 31 March 2009 (CBNS) — After a 90 minute debate, Monday evening 30 March 2009, Canada’s House of Commons adopted a strongly worded motion condemning the persecution of Baha’is in Iran and calling…
Editor’s note: On 20th March 2009, the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of Spain, on behalf of the Bahá’í community of its country, addressed an open letter to its fellow Spanish citizens. The letter…
A prominent group of more than sixty professors and scholars who specialize in Middle Eastern and Iranian Studies have added their voices in protest over the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran and have asked…
Editor’s Note: This letter is another significant indication of international outcry against injustice perpetrated against the Baha’i community of Iran. This open letter was signed by a number of distinguished individuals, whose name appears at…
The Board of Deputies [of the Jewish Community in the United Kingdom] president, Henry Grunwald QC, has written to Foreign Secretary David Miliband with a renewed call to the government to support the persecuted Bahá’i…
Editor’s Note: Earlier today, Iran’s Prosecutor-General declared that the seven imprisoned Baha’i leaders have confessed to the charges brought against them. This blatant lie and utter misrepresentation is the latest in what is fast becoming…
PRESS RELEASE IHRDC CONDEMNS CONTINUED PERSECUTION OF IRANIAN BAHA’IS February 2, 2009 NEW HAVEN – The Iran Human Rights Documentation Center (IHRDC) condemns the Islamic Republic of Iran’s escalated campaign against the national community, which…
Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, journalists and Iranian activists throughout the world to the Baha’i community. This letter has been signed by a large number…