Vladimir Lenin once said that a lie told often enough becomes truth. If one takes a look at the way Bahá’ís have been viewed and treated by their adversaries, particularly Muslim clerics from Shaykh Fazlollah…
Tagged By zionism
Trial of Iranian Baha’i leadership: An Open Letter to Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi
Your Excellency, Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi, Iran’s Prosecutor-General, Acting on deep concern for the lives of the seven Iranian Baha’i leaders whose lives are in imminent danger, we write you in advance of their imminent trial in…
The Verdict of the Imam Jum‘ih of Semnan
Editor’s Note: In light of increased attacks on the Baha’i community in Iran and further systematization of these hostilities, the following story from http://www.rasanews.com/Negaresh_site/FullStory/?Id=48731 is one of many examples of exhortations by Iranian Shi’ite clergy…
Baha'is, the Sole Targets of Conspiracism?
By Aram Anahid Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share this translation of a brilliant article published at http://www.iranian.com/main/2009/feb-21, under the title, “When Hate Triumphs over Justice, All are Victims”. In early February…
Statement of Support by Writers and Journalists from Kurdistan
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following informed statement of support by writers and journalists from Kurdistan. The Kurdistan region, covering land in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, is victim to…
Iran: Using terror internally and abroad
Editor’s note: The following article was written by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information. A german translation can be found at http://europeandemocracy.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13322&catid=4&Itemid=22 On 14 January Iranian secret…

Baha’is Under Widespread Attack in Semnan
“I have been ordered to do so. Please believe me.” “Please pardon what I’m doing.” These are what agents of the Ministry of Intelligence sometimes say when they attack Baha’i homes – this time, a…