Persecution of Baha’is in Iran Amid Pandemic

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Source: WDRforyou

We are going abroad again, to talk about a religious group that is not allowed to exist, at least in its country of origin. In Iran, adherents of the Baha’i Faith are deprived of civil rights. Baha’is cannot obtain ID cards, are denied access to higher education, and may not work for the state. Prejudice against Baha’is includes their being considered unclean. Baha’is are now particularly under pressure in the pandemic. In Iran, which has been severely impacted by Covid-19, 10,000 prisoners are being released from prisons because of the risk of transmission risks, while Baha’is have been experiencing increasing arrests and are expected to face trial and imprisonment in the coming weeks.

Isabel Shayani reports:

Verfolgung der Baha´i im Iran | Deutsch-Englisch

Warum ein iranischer Anwalt in den Niederlanden ist? How come an iranian lawyer is now in the Netherlands? 14 Jahre verteidigte Mazdak Etemadzadeh im Iran Baha´i – die größte religiöse – nichtmuslimische – Minderheit im Land. Gerade jetzt in der Corona-Pandemie werden Dutzende inhaftiert. Ein Bericht von Isabel Schayani für die Tagesthemen. Dieser Beitrag ist mit englischen Untertiteln Mazdak Etemadzadeh was defending Baha’is in Iran for 14 years. Baha'is are the largest religious, – nonmuslim minority in Iran. In the pandemic many of them are put in jail. A report from Isabel Schayani for Tagesthemen.

Posted by WDRforyou on Friday, August 21, 2020



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