Indecision regarding a Baha’i prisoner in Sanandaj

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Human Rights Activists News Agency, Human Rights of Prisoners: According to the Baha’i Committee of Human Rights Activists in Iran, Zabihullah Raoufie, a Baha’i in Sanandaj, who was arrested on the 28th of Mordad of the current year [19 Aug. 2009], and who after one week in custody, by closed court proceedings and without legal representation, was found guilty for teaching [the Baha’i Faith], was sentenced to prison in exile to Minab for one year.

His sentence was subsequently reduced to six months in prison along with exile to Tuisarakan on the 30th of Mehr [22 Oct. 2009]; however, this new sentence has not been carried out to date after one and a half months, and he continues to languish in custody at the prison in Sanandaj without any explanation [why].

It is important to note that he had been supposed to have been released on bail on the 30th of Mehr [22 Oct. 2009]; however, when his family arrived at the prison, the authorities refused to release him, and declared the new sentence to them.

Editor’s Note:

1. Sanandaj is the major city of the Province of Kurdestan in the north-west of Iran:

[Source: HRNA,; Translated by Iran Press Watch]


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