Washington, 19 February (IranVNC)—Iran is engaging in a “systematic” effort to “eradicate” the banned Baha’i faith in that country, a senior analyst at the US Commission on International Religious Freedom [USCIRF] told IranVNC yesterday. On…
Recent Posts
Baha'is, the Sole Targets of Conspiracism?
By Aram Anahid Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share this translation of a brilliant article published at http://www.iranian.com/main/2009/feb-21, under the title, “When Hate Triumphs over Justice, All are Victims”. In early February…
Dialogue with Some Signatories of the “We are Ashamed” Proclamation
By Iraj Adibzadeh Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to bring to the attention of its readers a translation of an interview held by Iraj Adibzadeh ([email protected]), a reporter for Radio Zamaaneh. This article…
Governmental Documents in Iran
One of the missions of Iran Press Watch is to document the trial and difficulties of the Baha’i community of Iran. Towards this objective, we share with our readers a series of documents that illustrate…
My Father’s Imprisonment
By Naeim Tavakkoli Editor’s Note: On Wednesday, February 18, the Baha’is of Ottawa had a prayer gathering, open to all, supplicating the Almighty’s deliverance for the seven leading Baha’is imprisoned for the last nine months…
United Republicans of Iran – Violation of the rights of the Baha’i citizens is shameful
Call for an immediate release of the leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran Nearly 9 months after the arrest of the 7 leaders of the Baha’i community in Iran and following the “guilty verdict”…
Summary Report November 2008 – January 2009
Iran Press Watch is pleased to announce its first quarterly Summary Report. Starting now, we will be publishing these reports on a three-month basis. The reports cover arrests, incarcerations, and raids on homes; destruction of…
Interview with Shirin Ebadi on UK Channel 4
Nobel Prize for Peace winner Shirin Ebadi talks to Channel 4’s International Editor Lindsey Hilsum in her Tehran office about harassment her legal work is facing. Defending the seven charged is lawyer Shirin Ebadi, winner…
Wiesenthal Center Condemns “Delusional” Iranian Persecution of the Baha’i
Editor’s Note: On 19 February 2009, Wiesenthal Center published the following Press Release. The Simon Wiesenthal Center is one of the largest international Jewish human rights organizations with over 400,000 member families in the United…

Iranian Authorities Destroy Sufi Holy Site In Isfahan
Editor’s Note: At Iran Press Watch, we were saddened to learn that authorities in Iran have destroyed a Holy Site of the Sufi Order in that country. We strongly denounce desecration of such sacred edifices and…

Iran’s Prosecutor-General Letter to the Minister of Intelligence
Editor’s Note: In the draconian and misguided effort to suppress and eradicate the Baha’i community in Iran, the country’s Prosecutor-General has sent an inflammatory letter against the Baha’is to the Minister of Intelligence. This letter…
Baha'i Arrested in Sari
Washington, 18 February (IranVNC)—An Iranian member of the banned Baha’i faith has been arrested in the northern city of Sari, the Human Rights Activists in Iran website reports today. Torreh Taqi-Zadeh was arrested without charge…
Congressman Mark Kirk: Then they came for the Baha'is
The following speech by Hon. Mark Steven Kirk of Illinois was delivered to the House of Representatives: Bipartisan Resolution Condemning Persecution of Baha’is in Iran ”In Germany, they first came for the gypsies, and I…
Statement of Support by Writers and Journalists from Kurdistan
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following informed statement of support by writers and journalists from Kurdistan. The Kurdistan region, covering land in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Turkey, is victim to…
European Union releases statement
A declaration by the E.U. Presidency (currently held by the Czech Republic) on behalf of the European Union on the trial of the Yaran in Iran was released today from its Brussels offices. E.U. Candidate…

Rainn Wilson on CNN: Stop Religious Persecution
Editor’s Note: Actor Rainn Wilson plays paper salesman Dwight Schrute in the U.S. television comedy “The Office.” Today he published a commentary on CNN.com about recent events in Iran. (CNN) Why is Rainn Wilson, “Dwight”…