(BWNS) GENEVA — At least six Baha’is were arrested in Iran yesterday, including a woman who worked at human rights organizations connected with Nobel prize winner Shirin Ebadi. According to reports received from Iran, the…
Recent Posts
Iranian Authorities Arrest Nobel Laureate’s Secretary
From Shirzad Bozorgmehr Editor’s Note: CNN is reporting the arrest of Jinous Sobhani, a Baha’i in Tehran. She is the daughter of Riaz Sobhani whose home was raided yesterday, Wednesday, 14 Jan, by agents of…
Recalling Imam Husayn and His Martyrdom
Editor’s Note: During this period, the Shi’ah world community is commemorating the martyrdom of the Imam Husayn, who was the third Imam of Shi’ah Islam, the second son of ‘Ali and Fatimih, the daughter of…
Regime Disregards People's Rights
Fall Report by the Center for Defenders of Human Rights – 2009.01.14 Arash Motamed Editor’s Note: The following article appeared at Rooz online and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information.…
'Ashura Ceremonies and the Baha’is
By Akhtar Arjmandi Translated by Omid Ghaemmaghami [Translator’s Note: Akhtar Arjmandi maintains a blog dedicated to the defense of Iran’s Baha’i Community where she refutes attacks made against Baha’is in the Iranian press and in…
Baha'u'llah's Visitation Tablet for Imam Husayn
By Dr. Khazeh Fananapazir Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to bring to the attention of its readers the following magnificent Visitation Tablet by Baha’u’llah for the Prince of Martyrs, Imam Husayn, the anniversary…
On the Finality of Prophet Muhammad
By Hajir Moghaddam Editor’s Note: The following analysis is offered by one of the site’s readers and is shared as a means of welcoming an informed discussion of this issue. Iran Press Watch will be…
Intimidation of Baha’i Prisoners
Editor’s Note: The following was reported in Persian on Wednesday, 7 January 2009, by Iran Press News and Human Rights Activists of Iran: Two Baha’is incarcerated in Sari were reprimanded and humiliated for failing to…
Baha’u’llah’s Prayer for Muslims
By Omid Ghaemmaghami Editor’s Note: The Baha’i Faith holds Islam, and indeed all divine religions, in the highest esteem and considers them all to be “the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal…
Threat Against Three Baha’i Families in Qa’emshahr
On Monday, 5 January 2009, Human Rights Activists of Iran reported the following in the Persian section of their online news organ: The agents of the Ministry of Intelligence went to the residence of three…
Three More Leading Baha'is Arrested in Semnan
On Sunday, 4 January 2009, Human Rights Activists of Iran reported the following: Earlier today, three Baha’is responsible for the Baha’i community of Semnan were arrested by security agents and conducted to an unknown location.…

UN Secretary-General Concerned Over Threats Against Shirin Ebadi
The following report was posted on UN News Service: 3 January 2009 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today expressed his great concern over reports that Iranian lawyer, human rights activist and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin…
Unfounded Accusations Against the Baha’is!
Editor’s Note: The following essay was contributed by one of the readers of Iran Press Watch and is published as an original piece. Iran Press Watch greatly welcomes such contributions by our informed readers on…

Update on the Seven Leading Baha'is Jailed in Iran
The following report was posted by Iran Press News on Saturday, 3 January 2009: Seven leading Baha’is in Iran, namely Mahvash Sabet, Fariba Kamalabadi, Afif Naeimi, Saeid Rezaie, Vahid Tizfahm, Jamaloddin Khanjani and Behrouz Tavakkoli,…
My Father Is Imprisoned!
Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of an interview conducted by Ardavan Roozbeh, a reporter for Radio Zamaaneh, with Faris Ataian, whose father, Masoud Ataian, is one of the Baha’is illegally abducted and imprisoned…
Life for Me was Slow Death!
By Kamal Yazdan-Panah Editor’s Note: The following is a translation by Iran Press Watch of a moving autobiography posted on the Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) online site. There are 16 associated documents, which are…