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Update on the Darzikola Cemetery

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[On Sunday, 26 October 2008, the prestigious organization Human Rights Activists of Iran published a short repot on the recent desecration of the Baha’i cemetery of Darizkola:  This is a crime about which Iran…

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Arrest of Two More Baha'is

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The following is an unconfirmed report and requires further verification by the Baha’i institutions before it is accepted as factual.  For that purpose, readers are advised to consult Baha’i World News Service (, the official…

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Why Islamists Persecute the Baha'is

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By Amil Imani [On Friday, 6 June 2008, Amil Imani, an Iranian intellectual who has written on discrimination against the Baha’is of Iran in the past, posted the following essay on his site:  Since…

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100 Years of Regress

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By Ahang Rabbani Anyone who has read much Iranian history of the last 500 years or so knows that in many instances Iranians developed extremely brutal methods for torture and punishment, which unfortunately has become…

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Harvard's "Scholars at Risk" Initiative

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On Monday, October 20, Drew Faust, the President of Harvard University, circulated the following letter: Dear Colleagues, I am writing to bring your attention to a Harvard initiative concerning scholars who face persecution.  Seven years…

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U.N. concerned on Iran Human Rights

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UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) – U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday expressed concerns about possible human rights abuses in Iran and urged the country to do more to combat discrimination against women and minorities. While praising…

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End the Persecution of Baha’is

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[On Thursday 29 May 2008 the organization United Republicans of Iran demanded the immediate release of the Baha’i leaders incarcerated in March and May of that year,, and their proclamation is shared below for…

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