Editor’s Note: The reported translated below appeared on 2 February 2009. However, due to the enormous quantity of information posted on the site since then, it was not possible for it to be posted until now. We apologize for this delay.
After being contacted by the Intelligence Ministry, Nima Heghar, a member of the Baha’i community, was summoned to the Ministry’s office located at Vali-Asr Square in Tehran on February 1. Subsequent to his arrival at the Ministry, he was detained and transferred to an unknown location. Nothing is known about the reasons for his arrest or his fate.
In connect with the continuation of the arrest of Baha’is, it has been reported that Ms. Sima Ashrafi and Mr. Jalayer Vahdat have been recently detained in Mashhad. When they contacted their families by telephone on January 30, 2009, they informed them of their continued incarceration.
[Posted on 2 February 2009 at: http://hrairan.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=433:542&ca. Translation by Iran Press Watch.]
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