In a report filed from Cairo on Wednesday, July 29, the Associated Press (AP) writer Lee Keath states: The state news agency IRNA said Wednesday that indictments had been issued against “around 20” detainees involved in “planning…
Tagged By press

There Can’t be a Happy Ending to Our Story
There can’t be a happy ending to our story, if only the human rights of certain segments of society are considered Editor’s Note: Dr. Vahdati is an Iranian-American human rights activist and freelance writer who…

Update on the Baha’is of Iran
The Persian page of Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) has provided several updates on Wednesday, July 23, 2009, which appear below in translation by Iran Press Watch. Shiraz: Temporary leave of two Baha’i youth prisoners…
Paranoia, Utopianism, and Baha'i Persecution in Iran
By Robert Christian Earlier this week, Iran’s leaders canceled a trial set for the leadership of Iran’s Baha’i community, the Yaran. The seven Baha’i leaders, who had been scheduled for a show trial on charges…

Arson of a Baha’i Business in Semnan
The following was posted on Tuesday, July 21, 2009, by Human Rights Activists of Iran: Following a trend of attacks by unknown individuals on Baha’i-owned businesses in Semnan, another business was set on fire. A…

New Zealand Youth Address the Government of Iran
Editor’s Note: Recently, the Baha’i youth, and their friends and colleagues, gathered from different parts of the Pacific to pass a unanimous resolution at the New Zealand National Baha’i Youth Conference expressing their outcry for…
The Confessions of Dolgoruki: Story Writing and Identity Scripting
The Confessions of Dolgoruki was a 1930s political-spy fiction that was taken as history. It was the purported memoirs or political confessions of Dimitriy Ivanovich Dolgorukov (d. 1867), the Russian minister in Iran from 1845…

Two Historical Documents
Editor’s Note: In our continual effort to document the mistreatment of the Baha’is of Iran and the regime’s role in bringing about systematic discrimination against the Baha’is, two official documents by Iranian authorities relating to…
Religious Cleansing in Iran
“Every aspect of a non-Muslim is unclean,” proclaimed Iran’s late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. He explained that non-Muslims rank between “feces” and “the sweat of a camel that has consumed impure food.” Other prominent ayatollahs, including…

Justice, not Shame!
Editor’s Note: Dr. Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet, writer, and human rights and political activist. In April of this year, he wrote a brilliant essay, which Iran Press Watch was pleased to share extracts…
A Baha’i Kidnapped in Tehran
Iran Press Watch has received the following disturbing report from the Baha’is of Tehran: On Sunday, May 17, 2009, a phone call was received at the home of Mr. Shahram Hasim, one of the Baha’is…

In Response to Signatories of "We are Ashamed"
Malieh Ahmadi is the mother of Haleh Rouhi – a Baha’i youth who has been imprisoned in Shiraz for the past 19 months for her humanitarian work. I am grateful and thankful! In the name…

What has befallen me?!
Editor’s Note: Fariba Kamalabadi (Taefi) is one of the seven former Baha’i leaders, previously known as the Yaran [“Friends” in Iran]. She has been imprisoned for over a year at the notorious Evin prison in…

24 Years Ago …
Editor’s Note: This is the story of Roofia Shahidi-Asdaghi. Her father, Mr. Ni’matu’llah Katibpur-Shahidi was arrested in Mashahd and transferred to the prison in Kashmar, where he was put to death with a firing squad…

Imprisoned In Iran For Religious Belief
In a report released this month, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, a bipartisan governmental body, described a deteriorating situation regarding religious freedom in Iran — particularly for Baha’is, Evangelical Christians, and Sufi Muslims.…

Memories of an Iranian Baha'i: “Bounties Bestowed Upon My Family by the Islamic Regime of Iran”
Editor’s Note: Some time ago, Iran Press Watch invited the site’s readers to share their momories of the last 30 years under the rule of the Islamic regime. One of the readers shared the following. …