Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch has received a number of expressions of gratitude by members of the Baha’i community to the open letter “We are Ashamed” (see http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/02/we-are-ashamed/). A selection of these expressions will be published here over time.
By Mansour Taeed
We have read your open letter “We Are Ashamed”, and the sweetness of your words has affected us deeply. We would like to extend our greetings to those free-thinking men and women of our homeland who are detached from prejudice, are wise, learned, and understanding.
We are proud to be from the Land of bravery, the Land of Cyrus the Great, where brave heroes are now arising to become pioneers in the establishment of the emblem of unity, despite the continued destruction of our Land by the plague of injustice, prejudice and blind imitation.
We would be ashamed if we desired the shame of the dear people of our Homeland.
We could not forgive ourselves if any trace of hatred or estrangement was allowed to enter our hearts and affected our treatment of our brothers and sisters.
We strive to sow the seeds of unity in the hearts of every single one of our countrymen from every race, religion, belief system and ethnic group with great love.
We are joyful that from the wounds inflicted upon our hearts over the past 160 years, the tender colorful hyacinths of unity and kindness have sprung.
We are elated to feel the soothing heat of your compassion and camaraderie upon our broken, neglected and disappointed hearts.
We compel ourselves to stand strong and steadfast, paving the way for rebuilding a country that has so unjustly denied us even the most basic human rights.
We think it befitting to join hands with our brothers and sisters to reconstruct the glorious Land of our forefathers, a Land considered sacred by all Baha’is throughout the world.
We have no doubt in our minds, we feel no hesitation in our hearts, and we show no weakness in our steps, for we are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one branch.
Mansour Taeed, Director, writer and actor.
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