Translation by Iran Press Watch

HRANA News Agency – Today, Friday December 8th, Babak Zainli, Sohba Taif, Shervin Shabrokh, Iren Rahmani, Foad Taifi and Reza Yazdi, Baha’i citizens living in Karaj, were transferred to Evin prison.
An informed source close to the family of one of these citizens told HRANA: “Today, Friday December 8th, Mrs. Rahmani was transferred to the women’s ward, and Mr. Taefi, Taef, Yazdi, Shabrokh and Zainli were transferred to the fourth ward of Evin prison.”
These six Baha’i citizens living in Karaj, despite the passage of more than a month since their arrest, are still in indefinite detention.
Babak Zainli, Sohba Taef, Shervin Shabrokh, Nika Ismailpour, Iman Ehsani, Iren Rahmani, Foad Taefi, Ali Bagher Kashi, Reza and Fahimeh Yazdi were arrested by the security forces at Mr. Zainli’s house on the November 7th. After arresting these people, the agents searched Mr. Zainli’s house and confiscated some of his personal belongings, including electrical devices, bank and identity documents.
Among these people, Nika Ismailpour, Fahimeh Yazdi, Iman Ehsani and Mohammad Ali Haji Bagher Kashi were released on bail on November 25th.
Soon after, these Baha’i citizens were accused in the General and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office at Shahriar city for the charges of propaganda activity against the regime, action against national security and membership in anti-regime groups.
Earlier, an informed source told HRANA: “Mr. Taefi suffers from thyroid disease and needs to take medicine.” “His family took action to deliver the medicine needed by this citizen, but the investigator of the case opposed the delivery of the medicine.”
Baha’i citizens in Iran are deprived of freedoms related to their religious beliefs. This systemic injustice results in consistent violations of the Baha’is’ fundamental right to practice their religion, a direct violation of Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 18 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that explicitly guarantees every person the right to freedom of religion, freedom to change their religion, and freedom of expression, individually or collectively, openly or in private.
According to unofficial sources, there are more than three hundred thousand Baha’is in Iran, but the Iranian constitution only recognizes Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism and does not recognize Baha’i Faith. For this reason, the rights of Baha’is have been systematically violated in Iran over the many years.
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