3 March 2010
Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) – Student and civil activist Navid Khanjani was arrested at his home in Isfahan on March 2, 2010.

According to reports, around 11:30pm, six security forces searched his home and confiscated his personal belongings, including his computer. Security forces had brought Navid’s sentence from the Revolutionary Court along with them.
The forces informed Navid that he will be taken to Nikbakht court in Isfahan and transferred to Evin prison tomorrow.
Navid Khanjani is a member of the Committee of Human Rights Reporters and founder of Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination. He is regarded as a significant figure in educational rights awareness.
Additionally, due to his belief in the Baha’i faith, Navid Khanjani was banned from continuing his education.
Currently there are a total of seven CHRR members who are detained. The names of detained CHRR members are: Shiva Nazar Ahari, Koohyar Goodarzi, Navid Khanjani, Saeed Jalalifar, Saeed Kalanaki, Saeed Haeri, and Mehrdad Rahimi
Source: CHRR: English, Persian;
Pictures from: http://www.schrr.net/print.php?articleid=8701
March 4, 2010 2:41 pm
Is “Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination” a political action group? What relationship does the Baha’i religious administration have with that group?
March 4, 2010 3:56 pm
I doubt if “Population of Combat against Educational Discrimination” or “Committee of Human Rights Reporters” could have any link whatsoever with Baha’i administration whose sole purpose is the promotion of spiritual education and social reconciliation. Beyond their spiritual activities, Baha’is might well have all sorts of personnal and social engagements and it is up to the Baha’i administration to decide whether these activities are compatible with Baha’i principles.
March 23, 2010 4:07 am
I am part of the “Baby Boomer”generation and we ushered in many, laws, rights, and freedom during our lifetime than any other group in History of the United States. Now..we are closing more doors, rights and all freedoms during our life time than any group. Isn’t it a shame that our grandchildren will never be able to enjoy what we earned for them?? Gone before they ever had a chance to enjoy them. It makes me ill in view of this article. Sad for all of us. It makes us all fearful for their future, and ours and the United States do you agree???
March 30, 2010 9:12 am
Shara, I too am a “baby-boomer” and very much attached to the social laws we saw adopted. What we are witnessing proves that these precious steps can only be maintained by a spiritual revival of the planet. Laws and rights are essential, but are mere structures that need a living content which is to arise in the hearts and souls of humanity. We will suffer unless and until humanity is morally reformed and the spiritual foundation on which a world civilisation can be erected is established. Only then will these precious laws and generous right become sustainable. This is the message for which the Baha’is are accepting persecution, confident that the ultimate promise of unity and peace is close at hand.