HRA News – Vesal Momtazi, a Baha’i students at International University of Qazvin [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imam_Khomeini_International_University] was expelled from this university due to being a member of the Baha’i faith.
According to HRA reporters, after finishing his seventh term and earning 124 credits in Agricultural Engineering, in mid Khordad [early June] of this year, he was expelled from the International University of Qazvin.
Since that time, he has gone to various centers, including the office of the parliamentary representative in the city of Qazvin and the Ministry of Science; but he has not yet received any answers.
It should be mentioned that during recent years, many Baha’i students have been deprived of education due to their beliefs.
Translation by Iran Press Watch.
Source: http://www.hra-news.org/1389-01-27-05-26-23/2660-1.html
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