Sunday 27 Tir 1389 at 18:36
Hrana News – Ghavamoddin Sabetian, a Baha’i of Sari was arrested today, as the Ministry of Information officers enter his home.
As reported by the Human Rights Committee of Reporters, previously on 19 Khordad 1389, the home of Mr Sabetian, a resident of Sari ( in Mazandaran province ) had been searched and Baha’i books, CDs, pictures and personal belongings including his computer had been confiscated by Ministry of Information officers, who had initially introduced themselves as Finance Ministry officers.

In view of recent clashes with Right to Education Activists in Sari, it appears that the arrest of Mr Sabetian in this city is due to his cooperation with the activities of those deprived of education.”
Translation by Iran Press Watch
Source: http://www.hra-news.org/1389-01-27-05-24-07/2814-1.html
Also see: http://www.iranpresswatch.org/fa/post/975
July 23, 2010 3:08 pm
It is with heart felt appreciation that I see the journalistic attentions brought to the long suffering Baha’i community of Iran. However there is a consistent lack of mention of the motivations of the Iranian government. A simple, cursory review of the history of the growth of the Baha’i Faith in Iran will reveal the simple facts that: the peaceful, “it is better to be killed than to kill” doctrine, of the Baha’is, along with their firm conviction, that God has sent (in 1844) that world unifying, Promised Messenger, foretold clearly in Islam and all Faiths, has threatened the clerical authority and positions of the heads of Islam and has virtually “emptied the pews” of whole communities in the recent past, and has motivated the Mullah’s repulsive desire to exterminate that just and virtue inspiring religion, The Baha’i Faith.