Brussels – 11/08/2010
The President of the European Parliament, Jerzy Buzek, is deeply troubled and concerned about the reports of the sentencing of seven religious leaders of the Baha’i faith in Iran. According to news reports, an Iranian court has sentenced seven leaders of the Baha’i faith to 20 years in prison.

“I am very concerned at this news. The sentences against the representatives of the Baha’i faith are a shocking signal and an immense disappointment for all who have hoped for an improvement of the human rights situation in Iran.
We have strong doubts about the fairness and transparency of the judicial procedure and I deeply deplore this. Therefore I call on the relevant authorities to allow a fair and open appeal procedure. Iran has committed itself to international standards and I underline that this includes also the respect and protection of religious freedom.”
The European Parliament and President Buzek will continue to closely observe this issue.
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For further information:
Jens Pottharst
Press Officer
Mobile: +32 498 981 348
August 15, 2010 7:16 am
Naming and shaming is necessary, but not enough for blatent and arrogant criminals. As Baha’is we neither want to shame Islam, which be counterproductive for the interreligious efforts we have made for more than 160 years, nor do we want to shame the sacred land of Iran. We do not want global but individual condemnations.
Pending a normal situation in Iran, the International Criminal Tribunal should condemn human rights crimes now and summon those responsible for these crimes in their absence.
Criminals should realize that sooner or later peace will abide and thy will have to reply for their mideeds. We carelessly hit someone by car and end up in court, we torture thousands and become a hero…
If these criminals knew that an oncoming criminal case is imminent, they might ease their arrogance. The professional judges that condoned the senence to th Yaran should know that their career will be over the day peace will inevitably abide one day.