(CHRR 8-Aug-2010) The Committee of Human Rights Reporters announced that seven former administrators of the Baha’i community were each sentenced to 20 years imprisonment by branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court.

They are detained for the past two years based on repeated illegal temporary detention orders. Their trials were postponed several times, and after several court sessions during the last months, they finally received their heavy prison sentences.
Six of the Baha’i prisoners who are responsible for dealing with Baha’i affairs in Iran were arrested on May 15, 2008 from their homes. The seventh detainee, Mahvash Sabet, was arrested earlier on March 5, 2008.
Source: http://www.chrr.biz/spip.php?article10592, and in Persian: http://www.iranpresswatch.org/fa/post/1233
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