They dedicated their lives to a noble purpose …

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They dedicated their lives to a noble purpose

Innocent victims, imprisoned for their beliefs

Their suffering knew no bounds, Only comforted by prayerful sounds

Their children suffer the same fate, Subjected to an endless hate

Denied basic human rights, Yet guided by a greater light

Why do you think you can stop the world from knowing, Prevent the truth from showing, You can’t block the sun from shining (2)

Pressured to recant their faith, Their Holy Places destroyed,


Their graves unearthed, no place to bury their dead,

Denied the right for education, Riddled with false accusations

Why do you think you can stop the world from knowing, Prevent the truth from showing, You can’t block the sun from shining(2)

You can burn their homes but not their spirits, Seize their land but not their souls(2)

Why do you think you can stop the world from knowing, Prevent the truth from showing, You can’t block the sun from shining(2)

Source: Pejman Fahandej,


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