[iranwire.com] By Reza Haghigi
The news is short: “Attaollah Rezvani a Bahai from Bandarabbas was kidnapped on Saturday night and shot in back of his head to death”. This short news has a long story; this is not the first time that Baha’i community of Iran and Bandarabbas faces such tragedy. Before this event Iraj Mehdi Nejad a Bahai from the same city was murdered by knife. Attaolllah Rezvani was a small business owner. Mr. Rezvani was an expelled student from university where he was studying Mechanical Engineering; he in a partnership with a Muslim from Bandarabbas found a small business to sell water pump. Mr. Rezvani expelled from the same university during the Cultural Revolution that Mr. Ahmadinejad and lots of his friends were studying. In March of 2012 the media reported that water and swear department of city of Bandarabbas refused to accept Mr. Rezvani in bidding process for any governmental contract, and stopped all of its business with him as a result of Ministry of Intelligent request. Mr. Rezvani was a civil activist and participated in Philanthropy activities. He formed a three members committee named Baha’i servants and via this committee he organized his civil activities. According to one of his close associate, his appearance on social activities brought him fame and respect. This was not a happy news for the province officials especially clerics who try to destroyed image of Baha’is. In the same line some of the associates of top cleric of the city who is Imam for Friday prayer in the city treated Mr. Rezvani and other Baha’is and asked them to leave the town. Mr. Rezavani families are among the families who have been involved in many adventures in recent years. Anisa Rezvani his nice is in prison in city of Semnan, Siamak Ighani Anaisa’s husband just recently released from jail after spending 3 years.

In addition to Ministry of Intelligent, office of Gholamali Naeimabadi, the Imam for the Friday’s prayer and the representative of Ali Khamenei in the province of Hourmozgan are playing major role in anti-Baha’i activities. In August of 2008 Naeimabadi in his speech at the Friday prayer in an act to provoke people against Baha’is described Baha’i faith as anti-Islamic organization which is under the protection of United States and asked the citizen to be careful. Two days after this speech some of the associate of his office attacked Dr. Meydani at his office and wounded him by knife; at the same days another Bahai Miaad Afshar was attacked by poniard. One of the Media activist compared the type of attacked and wounds to the attacked by Intelligent officials to Dariush Forohar. He also, mentions that in 1998 one year after election of Mohamad Khatami as president Rohuallh Rouhani another Iranian Baha’i were murdered by the fundamentalist. The right winged fundamentalist in the Iranian Intelligent community are the ones who are considered as designer of such killings. He emphasized that after the election of Hassan Rouhani the pressure on the Baha’i community has not changed and still they are under political, social and economic pressure.
Translation by Iran Press Watch
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