An Open Letter to the Chief Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi, We are a group of Canadians in the legal profession – including former Ministers of Justice and Attorneys-General,…

An Open Letter to the Chief Justice of the Islamic Republic of Iran Chief Justice Ebrahim Raisi, We are a group of Canadians in the legal profession – including former Ministers of Justice and Attorneys-General,…
Source: EBRAHIM NOROOZI/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS More than 40 prominent members of Canada’s legal community, including former Supreme Court judges and justice ministers, have penned an open letter in order to draw attention to what they…
Source: Press release On World Religion Day on 17 January 2021, Markus Grübel, Member of the German Parliament and Federal Government Commissioner for Global Freedom of Religion, calls for an end to the discrimination and…
Source: New Delhi, Jan 30 (PTI) A Delhi-based human rights organisation has urged Iranian authorities to end all forms of persecution of its Baha’i citizens, according to an official statement issued on Saturday. The Baha’i…
Source: To Whom It May Concern: We are deeply concerned by the ruling issued by an Iranian Court to confiscate the properties of 27 Baha’is in the farming village of Ivel. In Islam, all properties…
Source: January, 26th, 2021 Statement Regarding Bahai’s land Confiscation in Iran To Whom it May Concern: We are very much concerned by the latest Iranian Court Ruling to unjustly confiscate and demolish 27 Bahai’s Farming…
Source: Two Iranian courts issued orders that declared ownership of lands by 27 Baha’is in the village of Ivel to be illegal. Recent rulings decided that all properties belonging to Baha’is in the village of…
Source: Steve Jacobs The Baha’i community living in Iran is experiencing a surge in persecution following the tension between the US and Iran. History shows that, in times of national crisis in Iran, persecution…
HARANA News, Thursday 20th Aban 1389 [11 Nov 2010] – In a letter written to [Ayatollah Ahmad] Jannati, Secretary General of the Guardian Council, by ten Muslim residents of Ivel village, reference is made to the…