[http://hra-news.org] Sunday 24 Shahrivar 1392 (15 September, 2013) – 15:01 Harana news – Nasrin Sotoudeh*, human rights lawyer and political prisoner, in a letter addressed to the President, has connected the murder of a Baha’i in…

[http://hra-news.org] Sunday 24 Shahrivar 1392 (15 September, 2013) – 15:01 Harana news – Nasrin Sotoudeh*, human rights lawyer and political prisoner, in a letter addressed to the President, has connected the murder of a Baha’i in…
[camara.leg.br, 28 Aug, 2013] Walter Feldman Federal Deputy Mr President, Members of Congress, The world is going through a turbulent moment in which disputes for power overthrow love for our neighbors. Wars -announced or undeclared; terrorist…
[birangi.com] One of Khamenei’s latest religious judicial decrees (fatwas) expresses his view about Baha’is. The leader of the Islamic Republic has said [in his fatwa] that interaction with Baha’is is unlawful, and any interaction with…
[iranwire.com, 3 Shahrivar, 1392] By Reza Haghigi The news is short: “Ataollah Rezvani, a Baha’i from Bandar Abbas was kidnapped on Saturday night and murdered by a shot to the back of his head”. This…
[albawaba.com, 10 Sep 2013] The recent murder of Ataollah Rezvani demonstrates the widespread persecution against Baha’is in the Islamic Republic. Any hope in the newly elected Iranian president to solve the crisis has so far been…
[iranwire.com] By Reza Haghigi The news is short: “Attaollah Rezvani a Bahai from Bandarabbas was kidnapped on Saturday night and shot in back of his head to death”. This short news has a long story; this…
[rahesabz.net, 6 Sep 2013] The Green Movement Reported Shahriver 8 (Aug. 30th 2013) Published Shahriver 15 (Sep. 6th 2013) Jaras: Since the recent murder of Ataollah Rezvani, an active member of the Baha’i community of…
[dw.de, 27 Aug 2013] The cousin of Ataollah Rezvani, a Baha’i citizen who was murdered, has spoken with Deutsche Welle*, saying: “He was very much loved; the people of Bandar Abbas, whether Muslim or non-Muslim,…
[roozonline.com, 5 Shahrivar 1392 (Aug 27, 2013)] Fereshteh Ghazi, [email protected], Interview with Mr. Ataullah Rezvani’s family: The body of 54-year-old Ataullah Rezvani, a Baha’i resident of Bandar Abbas, was discovered on an abandoned road outside of…
[au.christiantoday.com, 5 Sep 2013 By: Christian Solidarity Worldwide Thursday, 5 September 2013, 10:47 (EST Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) is concerned to learn of the murder on 24 August of Ataollah Rezvani, a prominent member of…
[Ayatollah Masoumi’ website: www.amasumi.net, sources: http://www.amasumi.net/index.html] [news.gooya.com, 13 Shahrivar, 1392] Report of the meeting between Ayatollah Abdolhamid Masoumi Tehrani and a group of Iranian Baha’i activists In this meeting that was held in Ayatollah Masoumi…
[BIC, 29 Aug 2013] NEW YORK 29 August 2013 The murder of a well-known Baha’i on Saturday in the southern Iranian city of Bandar Abbas should be treated as a hate crime and must be…
[iranhrcs.org] (September 4, 2013) – A number of Bahá’í activists met with Ayatollah Abdolhamid Masumi Tehrani, a dissident Shia cleric, in his office yesterday following the murder last week of Mr. Ataollah Rezvani, a member…
[This is a translation form the original Persian, Editor.] To the followers of Bahá’u’lláh in Iran Dear Bahá’í Friends, 27 August 2013 The news of the murder of ‘Aṭá’u’lláh Riḍvání has brought us profound grief.…
[BWNS 27 Aug. 2013] From the available information it is now clear that the murder in Iran of Mr. Ataollah Rezvani was religiously motivated. It is understood that Mr. Rezvani was shot in the back…
[BWNS, 26 Aug. 2013] Reports have been received that a well-known member of the Iranian Baha’i community, Mr. Ataollah Rezvani, has been killed in or around the port city of Bandar Abbas in Southern Iran.…