[BWNS, 21 Oct. 2011] NEW YORK — In a wide-ranging media campaign that has gone largely unnoticed outside of Iran, hatred and discrimination are being systematically stirred up against the country’s 300,000-member Baha’i minority. In a…

[BWNS, 21 Oct. 2011] NEW YORK — In a wide-ranging media campaign that has gone largely unnoticed outside of Iran, hatred and discrimination are being systematically stirred up against the country’s 300,000-member Baha’i minority. In a…
[bahai.us, 18 Aug 2011] “While Iran’s leaders hypocritally claim to promote tolerance, they continue to detain, imprison, harass, and abuse those who simply wish to worship the faith of their choosing.” — U.S. Department of State spokeswoman Victoria Nuland Read…
(BWNS 16 Sep 2010) . GENEVA — The call to release seven Iranian Baha’i leaders – whose prison sentences have reportedly been reduced to 10-years each – is spreading around the world. Prominent figures in India,…
By Robert Freeman – Chilliwack Progress Published: September 10, 2010 11:00 AM Updated: September 10, 2010 8:41 PM Persecution by the state because of religious faith. Denial of an education, of jobs, of passports for…
Both Human Rights and Democracy Activists in Iran (http://hrdai.blogspot.com/2010/08/4-6.html) and Iran Press News (http://www.iranpressnews.com/source/081070.htm) are reporting on the arrival of the former Yaran at their new Raja’i Prison facility in the Gohardasht district [see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gohardasht]…
(United4Iran – 7-Sep-2010) Over the last week, friends and family of various prisoners in Iran have emailed requesting that we highlight the specific cases and current conditions of their loved ones. Wherever possible, U4I will…
26 August 2010 GENEVA (BWNS) — An increasing number of governments, human rights groups and prominent individuals are raising their voices against the harsh prison sentences handed down earlier this month to Iran’s seven Baha’i…
August 21, 2010 By Christopher Schwartz Throughout the Muslim world, Baha’is are routinely subjected to systematic derision in the form of elaborate conspiracy theories. Hostile political, religious, and media figures portray Baha’is as a secretive…
Vancouver, British Columbia, 11 August 2010 (CBNS) — More than 1,400 Baha’is meet this weekend at a downtown Vancouver hotel for the annual Association for Baha’i Studies Conference amidst community-wide anguish at the sentencing in…
Five Baha’i websites blocked On the morning of the 2nd of Esfand [21 Feb. 2010], five websites hosted by members of the Baha’i community of Iran, by the names of Viewpoint, Disturbance in the City,…
According to various sources, the trial of the seven imprisoned Baha’is who formerly supervised the Baha’i community of Iran has been postponed. The new trial date appears to be set for 26 Mehr 1388, corresponding…
Editor’s Note: The following Open Letter was published in August 3, 2009, issue of the New York Times, in a full-page. To Shirin Ebadi and to All the dissidents — the brave men and women…
Editor’s Note: Committee of Human Rights Reporters has published a story based on undisclosed sources about the situation of a Baha’i family in Valishahr, near Isfahan. A translation of this report is provided below. By…
In a report filed from Cairo on Wednesday, July 29, the Associated Press (AP) writer Lee Keath states: The state news agency IRNA said Wednesday that indictments had been issued against “around 20” detainees involved in “planning…
Report to the U.S. Secretary of State by W. Smith Murray American Consular Service, Teheran, Persia August 10, 1924 SECRET AND STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL The Honorable The Secretary of State, Washington Sir: – I have the…
Robert Whitney Imbrie was a Major in the United States Army and an American diplomat. He was killed at Tehran, on July 18, 1924, by a mob who thought he was a Baha’i. He was…