Tagged By bahai

Update on the Baha’is of Iran

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The Persian page of Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) has provided several updates on Wednesday, July 23, 2009, which appear below in translation by Iran Press Watch. Shiraz: Temporary leave of two Baha’i youth prisoners…

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Summary Report | April – June 2009

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Iran Press Watch is pleased to announce its second quarterly Summary Report for 2009. These reports cover arrests, incarcerations, and raids on homes; destruction of Bahá’í properties; denial of education; and deprivation of livelihood. Translations…

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Two Historical Documents


Editor’s Note:  In our continual effort to document the mistreatment of the Baha’is of Iran and the regime’s role in bringing about systematic discrimination against the Baha’is, two official documents by Iranian authorities relating to…

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Religious Cleansing in Iran

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“Every aspect of a non-Muslim is unclean,” proclaimed Iran’s late Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. He explained that non-Muslims rank between “feces” and “the sweat of a camel that has consumed impure food.” Other prominent ayatollahs, including…

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Justice, not Shame!


Editor’s Note:  Dr. Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet, writer, and human rights and political activist.  In April of this year, he wrote a brilliant essay, which Iran Press Watch was pleased to share extracts…

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