Tagged By bahais

Baha’is Need Justice! (Part 2)


By Dr. Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: The following is part 2 of Dr. Naficy’s cogent article, translated by Iran Press Watch. Author’s Biography: Before Dr. Naficy’s article is presented, we offer the following brief biography…

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Baha’is Need Justice! (Part 1)


By Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet and writer.   Recently he was asked to sign the famous letter “We are Ashamed”, but he refused.  However, he has written the following brilliant…

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Looting of Baha'i homes in Egypt


While the Iranian Baha’is continue to endure gross human rights abuses, another crisis is deepening for the Baha’is in the Middle East. After the recent victory for the Egyptian Baha’is in reinstating  their civil rights…

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Persecution of Christians in Iran


Editor’s Note: The Baha’i case is an outstanding example of the moral and intellectual corruption of the Iranian Islamic government. Readers should, however, be made aware that other groups such as women, Kurds, and Christians…

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