Tagged By bahais

News from Iran


Reliable sources have informed Iran Press Watch that yesterday, Monday, March 9, all the Yaran and other Baha’i prisoners were allowed to have their relatives visit them in prison. All Baha’i prisoners appeared in good…

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With a United Voice

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Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch has received a number of expressions of gratitude by members of the Baha’i community to the open letter “We are Ashamed” (see http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/02/we-are-ashamed/).  A selection of these expressions will be…

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Anti-Baha’i Methodology


Editor’s Note: In our continual effort to acquaint our readers with the calamity that is the mindset of Iran’s ruling clerical establishment, Iran Press Watch wishes to provide a translation of the following report published…

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My Expulsion from University


By Sina Dana Editor’s Note:  Iran Press Watch was saddened to learn of the recent expulsion of three Baha’i university students (http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/03/expulsion-3-sahand/), and has hastened to publish below in translation an account shared by one…

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Murder with Impunity


The following is a video showing commentaries about the persecution of the Baha’is. We would also like to draw your attention to the creative work of the Mideast Youth network, who are using cartoons to…

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Dear Dad!


Editor’s Note:  On January 30, 2009, Iran Press Watch published an account by Abdollah Shahbazi (http://www.iranpresswatch.org/2009/01/condemn-publication/) in which Shahbazi brought to public notice the fact that the names and particulars of many Baha’is of Shiraz…

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How Ironic!


On 25 February 2009, Aftab News reported that Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi, one of the most powerful religious leaders in Iran today, had said: “Why is that when a few Baha’i spies are arrested in Iran, the…

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