Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter from a group of academics, writers, artists, journalists and Iranian activists throughout the world to the Baha’i community. This letter has been signed by a large number…
Tagged By difficulty
Another Arrest in Tehran
Another member of Tehran’s Baha’i community was arrested after summons to a meeting. The Ministry of Intelligence had previously summoned Namya Haghar, a Baha’i from Tehran, to arrive at the Vali-Asr Square office on February…
Certificate in Anti-Baha’i Studies!
Editor’s Note: In light of increased attacks on the Baha’i community in Iran and further systematization of these hostilities, the following story in Ayandeh Roushan [Bright Future] News Agency caught our attention and is presented…

Shirin Ebadi’s Objections
Editor’s Note: The following is a translation of a commentary posted on Javan [“youth”] blog. “Bist va Si”, a well-known TV program among Iranians, stated on behalf of Shirin Ebadi, “I am proud of defending…

The Baha’i Situation in Iran is Deteriorating!
Editor’s Note: Mrs. Kit Bigelow is the Director of External Affairs of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. She was interviewed by Radio Farda’s reporter, Newsha Boghrati, and Iran Press…

Behrouz Tavakkoli – A Profile in Courage
By Naeim Tavakkoli Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following profile of Behrouz Tavakkoli outlined by his son, Naeim. Mr. Tavakkoli is one of the seven members of the national body…

Baha'i International Community deplores destruction of Khavaran cemetery
GENEVA, 30 January (BWNS) – The destruction earlier this month of a cemetery in Iran used for the mass burial of hundreds killed in the aftermath of the Islamic revolution in 1979 is an outrageous…
I Condemn Publication of the Baha’i Names!
Editor’s Note: We live in a new moment of history. For the first time in the entire history of the Baha’i Faith, Iranian intellectuals, journalists, university professors and generally Iranians of all walks of life…
Prayer for Prisoners
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share an authentic prayer of Baha’u’llah in Arabic for protection and delivery of Baha’i prisoners. This prayer is accompanied by special instructions revealed by Baha’u’llah pertaining to…
Zhinous Sobhani and Citizenship Rights
By Taqi Rahmani Zhinous Sobhani has been arrested. Those who believe in their own humanity don’t oppress the weak. But in the calculus of power there is no such consideration. To oppress the weak, to…
Attack on the Baha'is of Mashhad
The agents of the Ministry of Intelligence raided once again the homes of ten Baha’is in Mashhad and arrested two Baha’is. Yesterday, January 26, the Iranian security forces raided Baha’is homes in Mashhad in a…
Iran: Using terror internally and abroad
Editor’s note: The following article was written by Wahied Wahdat-Hagh and is reposted here due to its importance for our readers’ information. A german translation can be found at http://europeandemocracy.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13322&catid=4&Itemid=22 On 14 January Iranian secret…

Hardliners are in Power at the Judiciary
Abdol-Fattah Soltani is an Iranian human rights attorney and co-founder of the recently shut Center for the Defenders of Human Rights. Rooz spoke with him about the closure and related issues. “Power in the judiciary…
I answer, therefore I am!
At a time when various governmental resolutions are regularly being issued condemning the human rights violations of its Islamic government, Iran continues its record of misdeeds in spite of what the rest of the world…
10 Homes raided in Mashhad – 2 Baha'is Arrested
(HRA Iran) The Department of Intelligence visited the home of ten Bahais and subsequently arrested two of those visited. In an organized and systematic manner, the Iranian Security Forces, after attacking homes in Sari, Semnan,…
Interview with an Iranian Baha'i Student
Last winter semester (2007/08) 1000 Baha’i students had passed their entrance exams for university. 800 of them were denied entrance because of “incomplete files”. Sholeh is one of them. We hear her story… What made…