Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch “BahaiNews” has reported, quoting informed sources, that agents of the Public Places Office in the city of Urmia have shut-down more than 28 Baha’i-owned businesses. According to…

Source: BahaiNews1 Translation by Iran Press Watch “BahaiNews” has reported, quoting informed sources, that agents of the Public Places Office in the city of Urmia have shut-down more than 28 Baha’i-owned businesses. According to…
Source: Translation by Iran Press Watch 23rd March 2015 By: Kiyan Sabeti Within the last few years, persecution and pressure on the Baha’is of Iran has increased, but it could be said that it reached…
February 13, 2015 Source: By Kian Sabeti Translation by Iran Press Watch Human Rights activists report of intensified pressures on Baha’i citizens and incarceration of a large number of them in the past year.…
Source: Fardin Aghsani, a Baha’i from Urmia who was taken prisoner during the Iran-Iraq war, and held in Iraq for two and a half years, reported to the central prison in Urmia today to begin serving…