By Michael Boren Simin Ziaie flips through the pages of 215 men, women and teenagers. Their faces represent multitudes of families and personalities. One is a 17-year-old girl who taught Sunday school, another an educator,…
Tagged By islamic republic

Christians in Iran: Threatening Situation
The regime in Tehran is sending out mixed signals as to whether Iran’s Criminal Code will now impose the death penalty on Muslims who forsake Islam to convert to Christianity. A final decision on the…

Update on the Baha’is of Iran
The Persian page of Baha’i World News Service (BWNS) has provided several updates on Wednesday, July 23, 2009, which appear below in translation by Iran Press Watch. Shiraz: Temporary leave of two Baha’i youth prisoners…
Paranoia, Utopianism, and Baha'i Persecution in Iran
By Robert Christian Earlier this week, Iran’s leaders canceled a trial set for the leadership of Iran’s Baha’i community, the Yaran. The seven Baha’i leaders, who had been scheduled for a show trial on charges…

Justice, not Shame!
Editor’s Note: Dr. Naficy is a well-known Iranian poet, writer, and human rights and political activist. In April of this year, he wrote a brilliant essay, which Iran Press Watch was pleased to share extracts…
A woman was executed!
On Sunday, July 19, 2009, Human Rights Activists News Agency reported: A woman; who four years ago had unintentionally killed her father-in-law in the course of a family dispute, was executed last Tuesday morning in…

Open Letter from Urumiyeh University to a Presidential Candidate
Editor’s Note: Below is a letter from a group of Urumiyeh University students to the Iranian Presidential candidate, Mr. Mir-Hossein Mousavi. This letter is being published solely because of its relevance to the Baha’i community…

Iranian Identity and the Future of Iran
ACI stands for Association des Chercheurs Iraniens, or in Persian, Anjuman-i Pazhuhishgaran-I Iran [Association of Iranian Researchers]. This organization has recently conducted an interesting poll on the Internet. ACI invited Iranians to fill in a…
The Claims of the Bab
From the early days of the Baha’i Faith, the rigid-minded ecclesiastical order in Iran has attacked the community about the evolutionary character of the Bab’s claims. [The Bab was founder of Babi Faith and a central…

Baha’is Need Justice! (Part 2)
By Dr. Majid Naficy Editor’s Note: The following is part 2 of Dr. Naficy’s cogent article, translated by Iran Press Watch. Author’s Biography: Before Dr. Naficy’s article is presented, we offer the following brief biography…
A Show-Trial of Seven Leading Baha’is of Iran
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share this informed and learned editorial by Dr. Momen and invites other readers to comment or share their own essays. Since the Iranian Revolution in 1979, the…

Share Your Memories: 30 Years of Islamic Republic
With the emergence of the Islamic Republic, the situation of the Baha’i community in Iran went from bad to worse. Iran Press Watch is interested in learning how the past 30 years has impacted you…
The Only Crime of the Leaders of the Baha’i Community in Iran is that “They Are Baha’is!”
Editor’s Note: Iran Press Watch is pleased to share the following essay (translated from Persian), and welcomes discussions and follow-up analysis by interested readers. Over nine months have passed since the unexplainable, unreasonable and inhumane…
Parliamentary Committee Demands Release of Imprisoned Baha’is
The Canadian Parliamentary Sub-Committee on Human Rights has adopted a strongly worded motion demanding the immediate release of the seven Baha’i leaders held now for more than nine months without formal charges and no access…
Trial of Iranian Baha’i leadership: An Open Letter to Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi
Your Excellency, Ayatollah Dorri-Najafabadi, Iran’s Prosecutor-General, Acting on deep concern for the lives of the seven Iranian Baha’i leaders whose lives are in imminent danger, we write you in advance of their imminent trial in…
Violations of the Rights of our Baha’i Countrymen
By Hamid Hamidi Editor’s Note: The following is the text of a talk given by Mr. Hamid Hamidi and Iran Press Watch welcomes comments and reactions to this seminal piece. Mr. Hamidi is a much-respected…